« I finished to make a desk today. | トップページ | お金があれば幸せになれる? »

2009年5月11日 (月曜日)

Dandelion 2

Dscf6517_3 The dandelion grew up.
I plant out seedlings today.
I want to give these seedlings to my friends.
Do you want it? Lovely white flower!


« I finished to make a desk today. | トップページ | お金があれば幸せになれる? »


Oh, I didn't know you have been writing in English. But it's good idea!
I would like to try to comment same language.(*´v゚*)ゞ
Is your dandelion special one? Not yellow flower what we have seen usually on the ridges?
If so, kindly send me some seeds. I would like to plant them on my roof-balcony garden.

投稿: MK | 2009年5月23日 (土曜日) 19時25分



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« I finished to make a desk today. | トップページ | お金があれば幸せになれる? »